Immigration Service


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why Does The Republican Party Want To Bury Illegal Immigration?

President Bush has referred to Jim Gilchrist as a "Vigilante." Many American citizens have an opposite view, calling him a Patriot. The vast majority of Republican voters want the problem of a tidal wave of illegal aliens pouring across our borders solved, not swept under the rug! Their reasons for concern range from potential terrorist threats, and fears of the importation of vicious gang violence, as well as the adverse economic impact on wages and employment opportunities of illegal immigration.

Gilchrist is the widely known founder of the Minuteman Project, which has mobilized the participation of thousands of volunteers who have taken up stations along the U.S. border in an attempt to reduce the numbers of illegal migrants crossing the border. Although the Minutemen's direct impact in reducing illegal immigration could be viewed as negligible, there can be no argument as to whether their "watch and report" mission has raised this troubling issue to the forefront of political debate.

Most citizens of California are acutely aware of the rise in violent crime implicated in gang related activities. The state has experienced a dramatic increase in gang violence and "syndicated "crime due to illegal immigration, which has risen to epidemic proportions. The LA Times reported that more than 50,000 illegal aliens with serious criminal records were deported in the last twelve years alone, including untold numbers of gang members.

"One thing is clear, illegal immigration is directly feeding significant increases in felony-level crime and gang-related violence," Gilchrist said. "While the economic consequences of our broken borders have been severe, the alarming rise of crime and violence resulting from the uncontrolled growth of these gangs directly threatens our neighborhoods, our schools, and every aspect of security necessary to our society's well-being," said Gilchrist.

The MS-13 gang, which is comprised principally of Central Americans, nearly all of whom are illegals, has grown to 50,000 members and is increasing. MS-13, with its signature machete executions, is involved in appalling street violence, racketeering, and many other crimes from coast to coast.

What troubles Gilchrist the most is the blind eye cast by Republican leadership towards these crucial issues of illegal "invasion" by foreign nationals, and the security threat it poses to American territorial integrity. Critics inside and outside of the party attribute this lack of political will, code word for "courage," to concerns by some politicians who fear the loss of an emerging "Hispanic voting block" come election time.

Gilchrist, who is a candidate in the upcoming December 6 special election tofill the vacancy in California's 48th Congressional District, blasted the National Republican Senate Campaign for circulating a "Senate Leadership Survey" that omits any questions which refer to illegal immigration or border security.

"How can any survey, which purports to address the major political issues facing America, be taken seriously if it does not include a single question on the issues of illegal immigration or border security?" asked Gilchrist.

The answer may lie in these eye opening statistics. The number of Hispanics now residing in the United States has risen past 40 million, out-numbering African Americans as a potential voting block. Political insiders on both sides of the political spectrum believe that the future of national elections may very well rest in the hands of Hispanic voters. Consider that the winner of Florida, Texas, and California presidential contests could virtually lock up every future election.

Gilchrist believes that 90 percent of illegal immigrants are coming to the U.S. to exploit an economic situation vastly more advantageous than that left behind in their native countries. Clearly, he says, their reasons for coming here are related directly to what is happening socially, economically and politically in their nations of origin. In one interview, Gilchrist targeted Mexico by name stating that, "There is something seriously wrong in a country where half its population is trying to escape." Gilchrist believes it is imperative that strong actions be taken by the governments of countries south of the border to improve the living standards of their own populations. America, says Gilchrist, cannot continue as the economic safety valve for every oligarchy and petty tyranny on earth. We need to stay economically strong, while sustaining America's national unity upon the principles of western civilization.

The 48th Congressional District, located in Orange County, California, is thought of as one of the bastions of the Republican Party. Gilchrist, who is running as an Independent, has shaken the confidence of his Republican opponent, by building strong support among many Grand Old Party members who feel that the party is missing the boat on the issue of immigration.

Is Gilchrist going to be a surprise winner in the 48th District, much like former Governor Jesse Ventura was in 1998? In one of the more unforeseen upsets in American political history, Reform Party candidate Jesse "The Body" Ventura, once a pro wrestler known for his spoiler tactics in the ring, shocked the pundits and his two rivals -- Democrat Hubert Humphrey III and Republican Norm Coleman -- to win Minnesota's governorship. It may be the right time again in U. S. history for an upset by an Independent challenger, this time to create a mandate for stiffening the U.S. border. Only time will tell -- on December 6th to be exact.

Bruce Prokopets, Executive Editor of Press Direct International

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