Immigration Service


Monday, March 2, 2009

Immigration Debate

Debate?? I really don't see a need to debate this issue. Laws concerning the granting of citizenship and work visas have been around for many years. You can read the rules here I believe we need to focus on why these laws have gone unenforced for so long. Now don't get me wrong, I can fully appreciate why we have such an influx of immigrants into the United States. This is still the land of opportunity. Most of the people who migrate here are simply seeking a better life for themselves and their families. I don't blame them for that. And other than simply being here illegally, most are good hardworking honest people. But back to my point. Congress is now scurrying to pass new immigration laws when we can't seem to enforce the ones we already have. Why should we believe new laws will make any difference? The fact is we have thousands of immigrants here in the United States who are breaking the law, plain and simple. Now they are protesting for their legal rights. Do they even have rights here? Of course, we cannot deny basic human rights. But legal rights? No more than any other person that breaks the law in our country. Our Congress is now proposing to fix this problem by giving amnesty to the illegal immigrants already here. Now that sounds just wonderful. Let's not stop there though. Let's extend this policy to the drug dealers, murderers, rapists, and drunk drivers and before you know it we'll have a crime free America!! No, what we need is citizens who will take a stand and demand that our laws and policies are enforced to the letter. When that happens we can then fairly judge whether or not the current laws need changes or improvements. Please, write, call, or fax your congressmen and take a stand. Raise your awareness;,

Jeff Foster brings timely insight and opinion on his blog.

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