Immigration Service


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Canadian Immigration Form

If you are applying for the Federal Skilled Worker visa, one of the forms you must complete is called Schedule 3: Economic Classes Federal Skilled Workers.

Please note that there are two additional forms called Schedule 4 and Schedule 5; however these forms must to be completed by provincial nominees and Quebec skilled workers only.

If you will apply for the Federal visa, I recommend completing Schedule 3. This form has to be completed by the main applicant. If you are the main applicant, read this information carefully; this form is very important! Remember, if you don't complete the form the right way, your visa application might be delayed! So, if you are serious about moving to Canada ASAP, I strongly recommend completing the forms EXACTLY as the Canadian Government requires!

Let me give you some recommendations to help you complete this form:

Your name should be spelled exactly as it is in your passport (don't try to abbreviate!)

If you have a work permit at the moment (for question 4), don't forget to attach a notarized copy! Your language proficiency must be proved with your language test results. For this reason, I recommend answering the question related to your language proficiency based on your test grades. For example, if your test result for the Listening part in the IELTS test is 4, don't answer HIGH PROFICIENCY on the form! Answer this question BASED on your results. For the question about your relatives in Canada , I recommend that you DO NOT include any second degree aunts or uncles or any other relative that is not included in the form (you would not get additional points!) Also, remember that your relative has to be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident (otherwise you would not be eligible for additional points).

Remember that you have to attach a proof of your funds, so you should enter an amount that you can" prove on paper"!

Remember that your job description should be very similar to the NOC job description; otherwise you would not be eligible for points. For this reason, it is very important that you find on the NOC list the occupation that best describes your job.

I hope you found these recommendations useful! Alex Berezovsky is a specialist in Canadian immigration and author of "Step-by-Step Immigration to Canada".

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Immigration - Can We Use God's Inspiration To Solve The Problem

Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box. ? Arthur Levine 2006 Keywords: Immigration, God, Faith, Inspiration Words: 987

Immigration -- Can We Use God's Inspiration To Solve The Problem

Is our current policy providing a fertile hunting grounds for terrorists or is the spirit of "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" still alive and well in God's country?

Talk about "huddled masses", what do you call twelve million illegal immigrants? Is this what the poet Emma Lazarus had in mind when she used the term?

I have an idea, why don't we just impose a huge illegal immigrant tax. We could probably eliminate our national debt in no time at all. The only problem with this self defeating strategy is that then no one would want to come to this country. Perhaps we should make it a both ways border tax. That way we could charge these illegal immigrants coming and going. There is nothing illegal about that is there?

We could also double the minimum wage, in which case the farmers might automate and eliminate the need for cheap labor. Our food prices would rise, inflation would set in, unemployment would grow, and our own citizens might become more willing to take low paying jobs again, thus eliminating the need for immigrants altogether except from a do the right thing point of view. What about granting them all amnesty? Amnesty from what? I thought everyone has a right to pursue the American dream. So many choices, it is hard to know which to choose

Perhaps if we stopped offering illegal immigrants free health care and schooling for their children we could reduce the flow substantially, but I am afraid we might run the risk of growing our own illegal immigrant terrorists from this formerly hard working lot who would become upset at the lack of equal social services being supplied to them. Besides, we probably don't have enough buses in this country to send twelve million people home and we surely can't expect them to walk although that is how many of them got here. Do you think this whole problem is part of a French conspiracy? After all they sent us the Statue of Liberty on which Emma Lazarus's poem is inscribed. I doubt it. It seems unlikely given that they have their own immigration problems.

What does the temporary or guest worker program proposed by the President and by some in congress really mean? Does it mean that illegal immigrants will have to work in this country until they are granted citizenship and then can stop working and go on welfare or refuse to take the low paying jobs that some corporations originally hired them for. What's to stop these twelve million illegal immigrants from forming their own unified union and going on strike for higher wages and pension plans. Can illegal immigrants have 401K plans? Can they take tax deductions on their tax returns for foreign travel as a business expense? So many questions and no one seems to have all the answers. What would happen to our trade deficit if these people stopped buying American goods that are made in China? This thing has ramifications that none of us may have thought of. Is this what Emma Lazarus was alluding to when she said, "I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Are we the golden scapegoat for the world? Why not try to reverse the trend by helping Mexico employ their own citizens at a good living wage. We could even institute a buy Mexican policy. It might be cheaper than buying goods from China considering that we wouldn't have to pay long distance freight charges.

What should we do to protect ourselves from foreign terrorists who might sneak across the border with all the peaceful and hard working immigrants? Perhaps we should install an honor system instead of a wall. We could ask all the illegal immigrants to report any terrorists crossing over with them - anonymously of course. Another approach that might work is to require all illegal immigrants to travel lightly. We should limit them to one small carry across the border type bag and allow nothing big enough to conceal a bomb. Probably something the size of a passport wallet would be safe.

Another approach would be to make Spanish our primary language instead of English. That way so many of us wouldn't be able to understand our utility bills that we might have to migrate to England to find a commonly spoken language, then let's see who revolts against whom. The only problem with this scenario is that the Muslim minority in England might object to being overpowered by a new bunch of migrating American Christians. I almost forgot to mention the negative affect this transmigration might have on our national sovereignty, but then we are not talking about a flock of birds, are we? We are talking about a mass of humanity. When Emma Lazarus spoke of "the wretched refuse of your teaming shore", do you think she had us, or the illegal immigrants in mind?

You might well ask where God comes into this whole mess. I believe it goes back to my belief that this is God's homeland every bit as much as it is ours. I can almost see Him using the poet Emma Lazarus's famous words, "send these the homeless, tempest-tost to me" as His own. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if God put those words in Emma Lazarus's mind. Maybe we should find a way to honor the words of the poet and the thoughts of God at the same time. How about making all these illegal immigrants legitimate citizens of God's world. They are anyway, aren't they? There has got to be a better way to protect the rights of American citizens and at the same time give comfort to these struggling masses of immigrants. Can we look to God for the inspiration to find the answers?

Arthur Levine is the author of The Magic of Faith. Check out more of his writing at and at his blog and get inspired to find more faith in God.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Immigration - Trying On A New Lifestyle

The lure of riches in a foreign land, the potential of awesome new opportunities, dreams of what might be - all these sometimes entice people to immigrate to a different country. Being reunited with a loved one or just longing for adventure are also strong reasons for immigrating. Sometimes, rather than being drawn to a new country, one is pushed: religious persecution, starvation when the crops have failed, escaping unbearable family situations. Certainly wars, revolutions and political unrest have caused thousands to try to find a peaceful existence elsewhere. And decades ago, many were forced against their will to live in a new country as slaves or as prisoners.

For all who move on, pulling up roots from their homeland can be traumatic. It truly is not an easy decision to make, and today about 15% of those who leave their native country choose to return, finding that adjusting to a new society is too difficult.

The easiest transitions occur when the immigrants can find a community made up of people from their native home. They can keep a lot of their old customs while integrating the new country's language, values and culture. Experience seems to indicate that to be happy they need to wholeheartedly try to assimilate the new ways and not begrudge the environment being different. Home is where the heart is! Home needs to be wherever we are!

While planning to remain permanently in the new country, most find work and strive to own a home of their own. They learn the new language (sometimes laughingly) and educate their children in the new ways, without having the children cut the bonds that tie them to their native roots. To honor both countries with love is the goal!

Immigrants have made enormous contributions to the economies and cultures of their new countries, yet these are often made with tremendous difficulty. Newcomers face many challenges in being accepted, and when they arrive from being 'pushed' to the new country, rather than 'longing' for it, the transition is even harder. Sometimes those original dreams just don't come true.

The immigrants who make a very good living in the new country and are able to send money home to relatives in the native country are usually glad they made the transition. Some are able to establish business links with the businesses back home, helping to ease the problems that are faced there. Other immigrants finally retire and return to their native land for their old age, only to find that it, too, has changed.

Ultimately we each have to learn to cherish where we are. The old saying, "Where ever I go, I go, too!" still rings true.

Paul Babs is the owner of Citizens Stopshop which tackles all immigration issues. For more information, go to:

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Immigration ? Trying On A New Lifestyle

The lure of riches in a foreign land, the potential of awesome new opportunities, dreams of what might be ? all these sometimes entice people to immigrate to a different country. Being reunited with a loved one or just longing for adventure are also strong reasons for immigrating. Sometimes, rather than being drawn to a new country, one is pushed: religious persecution, starvation when the crops have failed, escaping unbearable family situations. Certainly wars, revolutions and political unrest have caused thousands to try to find a peaceful existence elsewhere. And decades ago, many were forced against their will to live in a new country as slaves or as prisoners.

For all who move on, pulling up roots from their homeland can be traumatic. It truly is not an easy decision to make, and today about 15% of those who leave their native country choose to return, finding that adjusting to a new society is too difficult.

The easiest transitions occur when the immigrants can find a community made up of people from their native home. They can keep a lot of their old customs while integrating the new country?s language, values and culture. Experience seems to indicate that to be happy they need to wholeheartedly try to assimilate the new ways and not begrudge the environment being different. Home is where the heart is! Home needs to be wherever we are!

While planning to remain permanently in the new country, most find work and strive to own a home of their own. They learn the new language (sometimes laughingly) and educate their children in the new ways, without having the children cut the bonds that tie them to their native roots. To honor both countries with love is the goal!

Immigrants have made enormous contributions to the economies and cultures of their new countries, yet these are often made with tremendous difficulty. Newcomers face many challenges in being accepted, and when they arrive from being ?pushed? to the new country, rather than ?longing? for it, the transition is even harder. Sometimes those original dreams just don?t come true.

The immigrants who make a very good living in the new country and are able to send money home to relatives in the native country are usually glad they made the transition. Some are able to establish business links with the businesses back home, helping to ease the problems that are faced there. Other immigrants finally retire and return to their native land for their old age, only to find that it, too, has changed.

Ultimately we each have to learn to cherish where we are. The old saying, ?Where ever I go, I go, too!? still rings true.

Paul Babs is the owner of Citizens Stopshop which tackles all immigration issues. For more information, go to:


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Monday, February 2, 2009

How Important Is It To Choose The Right Immigration Lawyer For Your Case?

If you do not choose the right immigration lawyer you could find yourself getting thrown out of the country, whatever country that may be. In order to be allowed to stay you need to have a good immigration lawyer on your side.

This may sound scary and daunting but the good news is that it is easier than ever to get in touch with a good immigration lawyer. The internet makes it so easy to find and interview all kinds of immigration lawyers. This is a very important step when it comes to finding the perfect lawyer. You need to interview each and every immigration lawyer that you are considering in order to get a feel for whether or not the lawyer is the right one for you. Your immigration lawyer needs to be someone that you feel you can trust and someone who has your best interests at heart. If you are unsure of this then you need to move onto another candidate.

An immigration lawyer is going to cost you a pretty penny but the best way to look at it is like an investment in your future and that of your family. Sure, you may have to put out a lot of money but you will be able to stay in the country and your family will be able to continue living the life they have come to love. If you cannot find the money to help you pay for your immigration lawyer then you may need to look to other ways to get an immigration lawyer. There are services that can help you to find and obtain the services of a good immigration lawyer for an affordable price. Some of these services are specific to where you are from while others are simply concerned with the fact that you do not have the money to pay for an immigration lawyer.

The sooner you can get an immigration lawyer the better. You need to be able to give your immigration lawyer time enough to plan a good strategy. There are many facts that need to be checked and double checked by your immigration lawyer and you cannot afford him or her to cut any corners if you want to be able to stay where you are. The immigration lawyer that you choose is going to mean the difference between you succeeding in your case and failing.

Even if you cannot afford to pay for an immigration lawyer you need to at least meet with one and get some much needed advice. Getting the proper advice is absolutely vital to your success. If your family wants to stay where they are you are going to need to get as much information from your immigration lawyer as you can afford. This is easy to do and if you have not yet met with an immigration lawyer you need to do it today.
Lawyers HQ: everything you need to know about finding the right lawyer.

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