Immigration Service


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Immigration: The Final Word

Immigration: The Final Word - An Open Letter To Our Latino Brothers and Sisters

By Roy Masters

After we bombed the vicious enemies of America into the Stone Age in World War II, Japan and Germany became our friends. We gave them back their country, freer and better than it was before, and consequently they have prospered. Mexico on the other hand, our trading friend and partner, has not prospered. On the contrary, they seem to be doing just the opposite, breeding and exporting their impoverished masses to the United States.

This situation begs the question. Why should our next-door neighbor, our friend and ally, not enjoy the same prosperity of our former enemies? Perhaps it is part of a long-term Marxist strategy to overthrow us with an army of irresponsible poor. It is sad to see hard-working decent human beings, down-bred by their government, used as cannon fodder for the future re-conquest of California, New Mexico and Arizona. As the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing, the corrupt government of Mexico is no friend to America. One need not be a rocket scientist to perceive that a swarm of illegal invaders will only serve to rule (albeit unconsciously), never realizing that they were programmed through the stresses of poverty to emerge as the tyrant, when no longer in fearful submission to authority. Because there are no morals in politics, and only voting power is relevant, civil war is sure to be the inevitable consequence.

This situation begs the question. Why should our next-door neighbor, our friend and ally, not enjoy the same prosperity of our former enemies? Perhaps it is part of a long-term Marxist strategy to overthrow us with an army of irresponsible poor. It is sad to see hard-working decent human beings, down-bred by their government, used as cannon fodder for the future re-conquest of California, New Mexico and Arizona. As the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing, the corrupt government of Mexico is no friend to America. One need not be a rocket scientist to perceive that a swarm of illegal invaders will only serve to rule (albeit unconsciously), never realizing that they were programmed through the stresses of poverty to emerge as the tyrant, when no longer in fearful submission to authority. Because there are no morals in politics, and only voting power is relevant, civil war is sure to be the inevitable consequence.

Only the truth -- and nothing but the truth -- will set us all free from a potential Balkan-like massacre and keep people from taking sides and turning on one another in an unnecessary Mexican-American conflict. Illegal aliens need to realize that they are destined to become the "new army" of Marxism and never true American citizens.

Poverty and discontent was the result of social engineering, to the end that the irresponsible and desperate poor shall out-populate, out-vote, and hence, overcome America. President Bush must have the courage to tell illegal aliens the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Deep down, this is not something that the President doesn't already know. It is not fitting for a man to love in the way of a woman. Likewise, President Bush, as a man, cannot compete with a spoiling, womanly compassion for votes the way seductive Liberals do. Both parties are comprised of homegrown betrayers, each with their own selfish agendas, lying wolves in sheep's clothing, witting and unwitting allies of totalitarianism, just like your President Vicente Fox.

By totalitarianism, liberalism and communism, I mean the promotion of licentious freedoms, false liberties of thought, and the exercise of those thoughts upon matters that can never come to any successful conclusion, but only breeds chaos, through which they will rise to power -- Marxism.

Philosopher Voltaire said that madness is to hold erroneous perceptions and argue perfectly from them. Collectively, our erroneous perception is that President Fox is our friend. Alas, in reality, he is a cunning Fox, planting Marxist-style revolutionary "sleepers" in America, such as "awakened" recently in Venezuela. If you can see this, the plan will backfire and you will take back your country, to reap the harvest of prosperity you richly deserve.

Will you live and die in futility for your deceitful politicians? If not, then my dear Latino brothers and sisters, cherish the model that is America; respect our laws, go home, and if you wish, come back the honorable way. Alternatively, while you are in your homeland, you might try to dethrone that despicable tyrant the way our Founding Fathers did for us. Naturally, there will be a little help from your friend, the United States of America. So, go home, no longer deceived -- take heart and take your stand there -- or forever lose it here.

Author of more than 16 acclaimed books His books deal with a wide range of subjects including Christianity, health, parenting, religion, science, stress and more. Founder of Brighton Academy Considered by many to be one of the most progressive and innovative private schools in the northwest. Brighton Academy is dedicated to providing an intuitive and encouraging environment where students can develop into success They would risk life and limb, swimming the river to get to the USA. As I grew up, I became a professional in the Restaurant field. It was here, that these people came to mean more than just a poor worker from Mexico. In the course of managing, working, and keeping staff, they played an integral part of my business. Yes, even if they were illegal.

They stopped being "wetbacks". I do not like the term, it is a demeaning word. I use it here to illustrate the bad rap many of them received. They became close friends to me, good workers, and family men. Yes, there were bad apples, trouble makers, and the rest. You always have that. But overall, the ones who helped run my businesses and worked hard were simply family men and women trying to find a better life.

According to the Center for Immigration studies, during the 1990s, an average of more than 1.3 million immigrants from both sides of the field -legal and illegal- settled in America. From January 2000 and March 2003 an additional 3.3 million immigrants arrived. Not all of them Mexican. They come from all spectrums, all nations, and all tongues. The United States Census Bureau projects that in less than 50 years the population of the USA will increase from its present 288 million to more than 400 million. The question bares asking. What are we going to do with them all?

Within this group, you can be sure terrorists will also arrive. These people are bad seeds among the many good people who arrive with them. I have no problem with immigrants. My great-grandfather was one as well. On my grandmothers side, the generation goes back to the revolutionary period. Our family line in one way has been here along time. Great men and women from many nations came to this country to form a new nation. The real area of concern according to the Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research, Steven Camarota, says is that "every part of our immigration system has been exploited by terrorists". This is true, but then Camarota goes on to suggest that we "cannot reform in just one area, but must address the problem throughout". Within his statements are the reasoning that we must check not only Middle Easterners visas and backgrounds, but must "carefully check the backgrounds of all visa applicants, better police the borders, strictly enforce the law within the country, and, most importantly, reduce the level of immigration to give government agencies the breathing space necessary to implement fundamental reforms."

There is no way we can round up 13-14 million illegal immigrants or whatever the number is actually. Who really knows. The authorities have numbers, but then they don't know either. The point is, no one really knows how many illegal people are here in the USA. No one knows how many terrorists have entered along with them. No one knows really what to do. The only thing everyone agrees on is we must do something. So we debate in Congress, put together legislation, then can't come to a reasonable solution. Our borders are still open and the flood gates of people are coming in. While we focus on the southern border, our other borders are porous as well.

The National Immigration Forum conducted interviews of illegal people living in Los Angeles, Miami, and Chicago. A Total of 233 such interviews were done in Spanish by trained interviewers. The main premise here is"would undocumented immigrants come forward, get legal, learn English, pay taxes, pay fines, and become US Citizens". 81% said yes they would live and work in the U.S. the rest of their lives if they were able to legalize their status. 98% said they would make an effort to become legal over remaining undocumented if the U.S. would approve a new law that would allow them to become legal. Also within the questionnaire, the respondents said they would provide accurate information, become fingerprinted, have a criminal background check, pay a fine, learn English, notify the government of change of their address. 90% interviewed said they would become United States citizens if allowed.

No matter what you or I think, this is a big issue. The longer we do nothing about it, the more we have to lose. Making millions of illegal aliens criminals won't work. They are here already illegal. This makes them a criminal right now according to our law. Many are afraid. Some are terrorists. Still, others are just family men and women working hard to survive. We need to try to legally integrate them into society. They are in our society but they are illegal. This makes them susceptible to crooks and evil men. They need protection of our laws. If they stay outside the law, our system can't help them. I urge you to contact your congressman or woman and tell them to do something to solve this problem today. The longer we wait, the worse it will get. It will also provide ample opportunity for someone to enter that will cause terror. These kinds of people don't care whom they kill, just as long as they kill someone living in America. Our future, the future of our kids, and our nation depends that we solve this issue now.

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Color Intel Exec Angry Over Blue Card Proposal by the EU, U.S. Inaction on Immigration

The European Union took a step in the right direction by proposing a change in immigration policy to attract the world's top talent.? It appears the next Silicon Valley may not be in the United States.? Read Ann All's article on the new "Blue Card."

Craig Barrett, chairman of Intel, minces few words in his opinion piece regarding the European Union's so-called Blue Card.

In the piece, which was recently published in The Washington Post and other major newspapers, he lauds European leaders for advancing a plan to create a temporary but renewable two-year visa that should make it easier for foreign workers to seek employment in EU countries. In contrast, he writes, the current ?byzantine system? in the U.S. ?increasingly threatens America?s long-term competitiveness? by making it difficult for companies like his to employ foreign-born professionals.

As I blogged back in October, Europe trails the U.S., Canada and Australia in attracting foreign workers to its shores. EU officials believe that making work requirements more consistent between its 27 member countries and increasing employment benefits will help change that.

While that may be true, a major hurdle still remains. The Blue Card proposal hasn't yet been approved by EU countries ? a fact that Barrett doesn?t mention until the final paragraph of his piece. And approval is far from assured, as a story on Deutsche Welle makes clear.

According to the story, Germany's interior minister worries that the plan may result in the EU eventually imposing immigration quotas. The Czech Republic and Bulgaria want native workers to receive employment priority over immigrants. Several other countries are asking for clarification on elements of the proposal, and Britain has opted not to participate and introduced an alternate plan of its own.

In India, home to many workers with the kinds of engineering and technology skills that the Blue Card proposal seems designed to attract, interest from the IT industry has been ?lukewarm,? reports The Business Standard.

An executive from Satyam Computer Services tells the newspaper that Europe "is not a very glamorous proposition for Indians ? compared with being in India." The cost of living is generally higher in Europe than in the U.S., he says, and there are more language difficulties.

According to the Economic Times, Indian officials would like the EU to include Blue Card provisions specific to IndiaFree Web Content, such as waiving proposed requirements for a minimum one-year work contract and certain salary requirements.

Source: Free Articles from

Ann was a leading media authority on automated teller machines before coming to IT Business Edge to cover tech alignment and business value.? Read her blog, Straight to the Source, at IT Business Edge.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Canada Immigration Visas

This article provides useful, detailed information about Canada Immigration Visas.

The government of Canada has embassies with immigration offices in almost every country of the world. These offices issue visas to various categories of visa seekers. Visas are sought by visitors for temporary travel, sight seeing, or immigrating and permanently settling in Canada in various capacities. Skilled persons, businessmen, investors, self-employed persons and entrepreneurs are welcome to apply for visas, provided they satisfy the eligibility criteria.

Depending upon the situation prevailing at the time of applying for visas, the processing time for application for permanent residence visas may take from 12 to 40 months to finalize. Those who apply for permanent residence visas can also bring with them their spouses and unmarried children under the age of 22 years. In some cases the children above the age of 22 years can also be considered.

Persons applying for visas have to pay a certain amount of non-refundable fees. If you are a skilled worker, you have to pay $550 Canadian for yourself, as well as for each family member of your family who is 22 years of age or older. An additional fee of $75 is also charged for each family member under the age of 22 years. Also, a Right of Permanent Residence Fee of $975 CAD has to be paid before the visa is issued.

You will have to appear for an interview along with your spouse, if you have any, at the immigration office. In certain special circumstances, the interview condition for your spouse can be waived. The purpose of holding an interview is to ascertain the accuracy of the information in your application form, clarify the facts about your backgroundFree Reprint Articles, and to ensure that you possess the funds to settle in Canada. You should bring to the interview all original documentation supporting the application; any certificates of non-criminal conviction; and all evidence of settlement funds.

Canada Immigration Visas provides detailed information on Canadian Immigration, Canada Immigration Visas, Canada Immigration Lawyers, Canada Employment Immigration and more. Canada Immigration Visas is affiliated with Canadian Immigration.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Immigration, Integration, And Criminalization

I was born and raised in the west. To say I knew illegal aliens were an understandment.
These people were mostly Mexican fresh from the border. Having crossed over, they
sought any kind of employment they could. For many years, they became known to us
by a demeaning name as "wetbacks".

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Immigration Debate

Debate?? I really don't see a need to debate this issue. Laws concerning the granting of citizenship and work visas have been around for many years. You can read the rules here I believe we need to focus on why these laws have gone unenforced for so long. Now don't get me wrong, I can fully appreciate why we have such an influx of immigrants into the United States. This is still the land of opportunity. Most of the people who migrate here are simply seeking a better life for themselves and their families. I don't blame them for that. And other than simply being here illegally, most are good hardworking honest people. But back to my point. Congress is now scurrying to pass new immigration laws when we can't seem to enforce the ones we already have. Why should we believe new laws will make any difference? The fact is we have thousands of immigrants here in the United States who are breaking the law, plain and simple. Now they are protesting for their legal rights. Do they even have rights here? Of course, we cannot deny basic human rights. But legal rights? No more than any other person that breaks the law in our country. Our Congress is now proposing to fix this problem by giving amnesty to the illegal immigrants already here. Now that sounds just wonderful. Let's not stop there though. Let's extend this policy to the drug dealers, murderers, rapists, and drunk drivers and before you know it we'll have a crime free America!! No, what we need is citizens who will take a stand and demand that our laws and policies are enforced to the letter. When that happens we can then fairly judge whether or not the current laws need changes or improvements. Please, write, call, or fax your congressmen and take a stand. Raise your awareness;,

Jeff Foster brings timely insight and opinion on his blog.

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